Entry Level Jobs: Nursery and Greenhouse Workers, Landscape and Grounds Maintenance Labourers
WORKPLACE TASK | Essential Skill |
Read work schedules | |
Write plant identification tags | |
Calculate the amount of concentrate needed to prepare a plant food solution | |
Read tags on nursery stock | |
Communicate with other greenhouse staff to co-ordinate work schedules and tasks | |
Read Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) | |
Deal with plants that are withering or dying, try to find the reason and take corrective action | |
Estimate the amount of fertilizer required for lawns of various dimensions | |
Read labels on fungicides and pesticides | |
Write billing information on invoices | |
Interpret landscape design drawings | |
Read labels on chemical containers to check their uses and hazards | |
Measure required amounts of plant food, soil mixtures and fertilizers | |
Prioritize tasks to meet the goals of the greenhouse manager | |
Read gardening and horticulture magazines to learn about plant life cycles and diseases | |
Talk to customers to help them to select their purchases | |
Read herbicide charts and product application-rate tables | |
Read instructions for the use of weed killers and fertilizers | |
Write notes to office to indicate items which are out of stock | |
Receive instructions from supervisors and clarify tasks with them | |
Refer to price lists of the products for sale in the greenhouse | |
Total bills, take payment and make change for purchases | |
Read nursery catalogues to become familiar with varieties of flowers | |
Write claim forms giving details of damage when requesting a refund from the supplier |