

Graphing Essentials

Match Maker

Technical Sector: Horticulture and Landscaping - Job Descriptions

Entry Level Jobs: Nursery and Greenhouse Workers, Landscape and Grounds Maintenance Labourers

Nursery and Greenhouse Workers

Nursery and greenhouse workers plant, cultivate and harvest trees, shrubs, flowers and plants, and serve nursery and greenhouse customers. They are employed in indoor and outdoor nurseries and greenhouses.

Landscape and Grounds Maintenance Labourers

Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers perform manual work to assist in the construction of a landscape and related structures and to maintain lawns, gardens, athletic fields, golf courses, cemeteries, parks, landscaped interiors and other landscaped areas. They are employed by landscaping and lawn care companies, golf courses, cemeteries, and by landscaping departments of governments and private establishments.