In this assignment you will interview and select a student from either Grade 9 or 10 who will
job shadow you at your co-op placement. This is called job-twinning. Once you have
selected a partner, create an activity sheet for them to complete during the job-twinning day.
After this job-twinning experience, you will report on the day based on your partner’s
completed activity sheet.
The flowchart below illustrates the stages of this project and the tasks associated with each stage.
Create an interview questionnaire and interview three (3) potential candidates.SELECTION OF JOB-TWINNING PARTNER
Based on the interviews select one candidate. Make sure you can support your choice in your final report.ARRANGE JOB-TWINNING DAY
Make sure you have arranged with your employer, your co-op teacher and the teacher for the Grade 9 or 10 student a suitable day for job-twinning. Parental forms must be completed three (3) days before job-twinning day.PREPARE JOB-TWINNING ACTIVITY SHEET
Create a job-twinning activity sheet that focuses on a comparison of the Essential Skills demonstrated in your co-op position compared with that of an adult’s job that your partner has identified. (parent/guardian, mentor, teacher, coach, etc.)JOB-TWINNING DAY
Instruct your partner on how to complete and submit their activity sheet. This day will be their first Co-op experience. Help make it successful!REPORT WRITING
Complete your final report and submit it with your completed interview questionnaires and a copy of your partner’s completed activity sheet.