

Me and My Shadow

Assignment Sheet

twin life guards
Interview Potential Job-Twinning Partners

Create an interview questionnaire that will help you pick the right candidate. You are looking for an individual that is interested in your type of placement and someone that you believe would benefit from this experience. Interviews are to be conducted with a minimum of three (3) candidates.
Only one candidate will be chosen.
Evaluation: Formative

Selection Of Job-Twinning Partner

Based on the completed interviews, select one candidate. You will be asked to discuss your reasons for your choice in the final report, so make sure you remember the criteria on which you based your selection.
Evaluation: N/A

Arrange Job-Twinning Day

Contact your Co-op Supervisor early in your placement to find out what is a suitable day for your job-twinning activity. Explain what it will involve and the benefits to them. Once you have arranged a suitable day, contact your co-op teacher and the teacher of your job-twinning partner to confirm the date. Hint: Use e-mail to confirm the dates with all parties to have a paper trail in case of potential problems. Parental forms must be completed three days before job-twinning day.
Evaluation: N/A

Prepare Job-Twinning Activity Sheet & Summary Sheet

Prepare an activity sheet that will allow your job-twinning partner to record many things about your job through observation and questioning. The focus of your activity should be Essential Skills and related tasks, however other general interest questions should be included. Once they have completed this activity sheet they should be instructed to complete the summary sheet that includes interviewing one of their parents/guardian or a mentor. It is your responsibility to answer any questions about this summary sheet and to collect it from your job-twinning partner.
Evaluation: Activity Rubric (20 marks)
Summary Sheet N/A