Me and My Shadow
Job-Twinning Day
Contact your job-twinning partner two days before your day together. Confirm the date and
time and review the activity sheet with them. Actively participate in their first co-op experience!
Evaluation: N/A
Report Writing
Complete your final report and submit it with your completed interview questionnaires and a
copy of your partner’s completed activity sheet and summary sheet. Your final report should
include your answers to the following questions:
- How did you choose your job-twinning partner from the three candidates?
- Was this strategy successful? Was the final candidate well suited to your co-op
position? Why or why not?
- What were the top three (3) Essential Skills you used to complete this entire activity?
Provide examples for each.
- Review the job-twinning summary sheet and compare the results between the three sections:
- Create a bar chart for each Essential Skill comparing the three jobs for the summary sheet
- Analyse results
- Provide recommendations for your job-twinning partner
- Attach a copy of your thank you note to your co-op
Evaluation: Report Rubric (50 marks)