The Green($) for Green
- Open your spreadsheet.
- To total the cost for the first plant listed:
- Click on the cell that the answer will go into (K9 in this case)
You must know the formula or mathematics required to get the answer. The total cost in this case would be the
- Enter = G9*I9 (Be sure to check that you have the data for the first plant in cells G9
and I9! If not, adjust the formula.)
- Press Enter
- What would the formula be for the total cost for the second plant listed?

- What would the formula be for the total cost for the third plant listed?
- To save the time of entering the formula multiple times, you can instruct the spreadsheet to do so.
- Highlight cell K9 which has the formula in it
- Hold down the Shift Key and drag the mouse down until all of the cells in column K that need totals are highlighted
- Under Edit, choose Fill and Down
- Think about the formulas required to calculate the subtotal, PST and GST.
Write them in the spaces below using spreadsheet symbols.
- Try entering them into your spreadsheet. Use a calculator to check your answers.
- Enter in the labour costs that your company has decided to charge.
- Tally the Total Cost by creating a formula. Remember to think about the values that
make up the total cost. Check your answer by using a calculator.
- Save your spreadsheet.
What If….
- Your calculations do not seem to add up?
Ask another group or your teacher for help.
- You are over budget?
Determine what is to be cut out of the landscaping project as the budget is $3500 firm
(i.e. not one penny more!!). When you change your plant quantities, your formulas
will readjust the costs…easy!
- You are under budget?
If your company is under budget by a few dollars, you likely won’t worry. However,
if you are a few hundred dollars under budget, think about what you might add
(e.g. more plants, some decorative rocks, cedar mulch?).