

The Green($) for Green

Skill Tally Worksheet

Part A
man watering flower

What is an Essential Skill worth in the landscaping industry? You have $100,000 to spend on the Essential Skills. You and your partner will allocate a $ value for each Essential Skill you have used in this project and decide how much of a particular skill you needed. To complete this activity you and your partner will create a spreadsheet similar to the one used in the Spreadsheet Exploration.

  1. Open a new spreadsheet.
  2. Enter your company’s name, address, etc. in an appropriate location. (Refer to the Spreadsheet Explorations, if needed.)
  3. Enter the invoice number information.
  4. Create columns titled “Essential Skill”, “Use In This Assignment”, and “Total Value”.
  5. Create a cell labeled “Final Total” in an appropriate location.
  6. Merge cells, change fonts or font sizes, change cell alignment, add dollar signs, etc. to
    perfect your invoice. (Refer to the Spreadsheet Explorations, if needed.)
  7. Enter the information in your columns. In the column titled “Use In This Assignment”, keep your ideas in point form.
  8. Create a formula to tally the Final Total, in the appropriate cell.
    Record your formula here:
  9. Be sure that your Final Total adds up to $100,000.
  10. Save your spreadsheet, and then print it.