An Afternoon at Mader’s Cove
Fixated with the idea of life,
The basics and the essentials of life
There are many answers,
Reasons even
For the Goings on of all that goes on in this world,
And of course you can’t have the answers and the reasons
without the questions,
Go on, you might say to me,
But it is a fact, no matter how confused we might be,
There are going ons going on at this very moment in time,
But now those going ons that were going on in the last line are
in fact history,
History that went on but will not be going on any longer
because what went on has no longer the need to go on,
For the going ons that went on could no longer go on,
The questions we know, but the answer to why it couldn’t go
on we don’t know,
So we forget about it,
And it becomes Ancient history.
The second type of history,
The kind that went on and is still going on,
Because the going ons that went on weren’t finished going on
when some asshole decided that the going ons of what was
going on were finished and weren’t to go on any longer,
But in fact, what was going on and what went on will never be