So the going ons that went on and are still going on becomes
the second type of history,
On going history,
But that doesn’t matter now so forget about what just went on.
We are now in the future,
Which was built up by the going ons of what just went on,
But what went on is still going on so I guess this story in on
going history,
It is going on history and the future that went on and has not
stopped going on and has yet to go on,
The future, you should have guessed this was coming on,
The future yes did go on and has been going on for quite some
time now,
The future is always going on,
You might say it is on going
But it is not easy to know what went on in the future because
the going ons that went on have not yet gone on,
In fact they have yet to go on,
And when will we know when the goings on of the future have
went on, will the stop going on, have they already gone on,
Come on,
There can’t be a future
Has anybody ever seen a future, can they tell me what’s going
What’s going to go on rather.
If you were to ask me what’s going on
My answer would be,
If you want to know the future it’s not hard because it has
already gone on and is going on, which would make it history
and the present.
So what I am going on about is the past, present and the future
are but one…Life.