Tips on surveying Clients, Partners and Stakeholders
- Preparation – assemble information which might be useful as you
conduct the assessment. This may include: information at hand,
other information you will collect and feedback from past
consultation. This should be done before you start to survey or
- Participation –create a multi rater assessment (MRA) of the
organization. MRA is a process which allows a person, team,
organization or other entity to receive performance-related
feedback anonymously from peers, supervisors, subordinates or
other interested parties and compare this data with their own selfratings.
The feedback from all the raters is merged, and used to
generate one report. This ensures that the confidentiality of each
individual reporter is protected, while the person or entity being
assessed receives candid feedback. This information is then used
as a source to help develop action plans for continuous
- Setting Up the Multi-rater Assessment
- Standardized procedures for collecting and storing
information should be used to help you keep organized
o Learners can be surveyed on an ongoing basis, (learner
satisfaction surveys, exit interviews, 3 and 6 month followup);
however, after the preparation phase there may be some
client based questions which were not posed earlier. These
questions can be asked in a specialized survey or focus
- Stakeholders who refer clients to you, share learners or form
the next step in the learning plans of learners can provide
feedback on how your organization meets their expectations.
While you may have received anecdotal information, the most
useful information will come from structured interviews
conducted by a 3rd party or a survey designed to solicit
specific feedback.
- The process can be expanded to include other stakeholders
in your community, such as partners and community groups
and other LBS deliverers, if you wish.
- There are many books and internet resources available with
information on how to set up the surveys, questions to ask
and how to analyse the results. Other agencies in your
community, sector or stream may also have samples to share
with you.