We can concentrate on changing just a few strategic items and make a
large impact. This process provides us with a way of focussing on the
vital few so that we create the greatest return from our efforts.
The process is as follows:
- The leader of the Agency Assessment of Organizational Capacity
completes a preliminary analysis, using all information gathered, and
develops a tentative list of strengths and weaknesses. The leader can
seek feedback from clients, partners and staff to solicit possible
causes and suggestions for change, if necessary.
- Additional information may be required at this stage, so that staff and
the Board can begin to understand the causes. Determine what is
required and try to obtain it prior to the meeting.
- A meeting should be organized for the committee and additional
agency staff, board members and volunteers.
- A summary of all information gathered and the tentative list of
strengths and weaknesses should be given to all attendees prior to
the meeting
- Seek feedback on the findings
- Obtain confirmation/validation/clarification of the proposed vital
- Brain-storm possible causes and solutions to improve outcomes
- To begin selecting the Vital Few and choosing one Strength and two
Areas for Improvement as a focus for your change efforts:
- Review the agency performance against provincial targets, business
plan targets and rank your agency outcomes from exceeding
expectations to furthest below targets
- Rank client feedback on programs and services from most to least
- Look for patterns in the results
- Consider opportunities and threats – changes in the community
such as plant openings or closures, staffing changes, new agency
- Choose the Vital Few, selecting those which would have the most
impact in resolving weaknesses or boosting outcomes
- Document the Vital Few in the chart below