Opening Doors to Learning

I split the students into two groups:

  • grade one to five
  • grade six and on

This helped the students that were struggling and they created a mentor program and assisted each other when I was not there.

Most of the students that I had, left or transferred before I could do final testing. I could see a lot of improvement in their writing abilities and the spelling and grammar assignment became easier for them.

I felt the program was successful and created a sense of challenge for some and gave some of the students a new sense of direction. The students became comfortable with me and began discussing future endeavors. The majority talked about returning to schooVcollege.

I also had a few individuals that came to me and asked if I would teach Math. I felt I would have had more students if some of the classes were directed at Math. These students wanted to go into trades such as carpentry, welding and plumbing. They felt that their level in math was not strong enough to attend or apply for such trades.