Teach at Level 1 if needed Teach at Level 2 if needed Will be introduced at Level 3
Misplaced and dangling modifiers X
Correcting shifts in verb tense X
Correcting faulty parallel structure X
Sentence Agreement:
Subject-verb agreement X
Pronoun-antecedent agreement X
Pronoun as vague reference X
Period for completion at the end of a sentence X
Period for abbreviation
(e.g., Mrs. for Misses)
Question mark (?) X
Exclamation mark (!) X
Comma in a series
(e.g., I ate an apple, banana, sandwich and cake.)
Comma within dates, addresses and geographical locations
(e.g., June 3, 2004; #71, 200-46 St.; LaLoche, SK)
Comma with introductory words or phrases
(e.g., Clearly, I made the mistake. In such a situation, the smartest thing to do is run.)
Comma with co-ordinating conjunction X
Comma with parenthetical expressions and appositives X
Quotation marks with direct speech
(e.g., "I love it," she said.)
Quotation marks to show special words or phrases X
Quotation marks for titles of articles, stories, and poems X