This study deals with the guide Services for First Nations People. Public opinion research conducted on reserves had shown the need to better inform members of the First Nations regarding Government of Canada services. Thus, in collaboration with Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Communication Canada produced a guide for Aboriginal peoples living on reserves. Published in March 2003, this guide is intended to provide First Nations with information regarding services and programs offered by the Government of Canada.
First, various departments submitted descriptions of their programs and services. Based on that information, Communication Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada produced a draft guide in both official languages. Then, to ensure that members of the First Nations living on reserves found the guide useful and informative, production went through several stages. Plain language specialists revised the text in order to shorten, clarify and simplify the document. Next, experts in communications with Aboriginals reviewed the draft guide and made recommendations. Focus groups also provided comments on the draft. Finally, following the revision process, Communication Canada and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada worked in close co-operation with the appropriate departments to ensure that programs were accurately described.