DATA COLLECTION Six data sources were collected: field notes from class observations; individual
interviews with the instructors; individual interviews with the students;
a group interview with the students; documents such
as curriculum guides, teaching materials and student writing; and my notes
from a reflective journal. The data collection was ObservationDuring six 90–minute observation sessions in the classroom and coffee shop I focused on the observable elements of situated learning as described by Stein (1998). I looked and listened for the following: the ways in which students' and instructors' knowledge and experiences influenced learning; the physical setting, including the tools and activities; the community of people engaging in literacy, learning and work practices; and the ways in which these people engaged in literacy, learning and work practices (Appendix F). I took on the role of observer as participant, based on Merriam. This meant that my role as researcher was known to the students and instructors, and I participated in the group on occasion but this role was secondary. While in the classroom and coffee shop, I was sometimes asked to help with an activity or I sometimes talked to students while they were engaged in an activity in order to understand what they were doing and why. After observing for short periods or witnessing an interaction that I wanted to capture in detail, I would slip quietly into a small office or into the hallway in order to write field notes. I would then return to the coffee shop or classroom and continue the observation session. I purposely avoided writing notes in front of the students and instructors in order not to create discomfort and unease. The observation notes were key to creating a detailed description of the physical settings, in addition to the interactions and activities in the settings that formed four vignettes in the next chapter. |
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