3.3 Analysis and interpretation of research results

3.3.1 Models used in the context of the research

A total of eight family literacy models were selected in accordance with the needs of the communities. The
organizations did not necessarily deliver the same model throughout the project. All of the models except
for one were chosen because they targeted adults. Some models targeted parents of preschoolers and
others targeted parents of school-age children.

It is appropriate to emphasize that the target population for family literacy programs in French does not
only concern parents with low reading skills, but also a whole range of population groups such as
immigrant families, exogamous or multicultural families, families with special needs relating to the
learning of the French language or the increased use of French in the home (FCAF,2004a).

Program models also vary according to the type and the target of the intervention. The American
researcher Nickse (1990)put forward a typology to classify family literacy interventions according to the
following elements:

Here is the list of the selected models:

All of the models used were analysed according to various parameters. Three particular models are featured because they fulfil most or all of the following criteria: