The idea is to create infrastructures that directly provide the children with essential
elements of socialization and human development... The more the children can benefit
from places where they can socialize in French prior to entering preschool, the more the
eligible parents14 will feel supported in the implementation of a strong Francophone
culture in the family-school environment for their children and the more French-language
schooling will become will become accessible to them (Landry et aI., 2007, p. 20). [Free
Thus, families need to have access to places where they can socialize in French if they are to acquire and
maintain this ability. In addition to providing information, learning and networking, family literacy
programs in French provide families with this kind of place.
The For My Child reports highlight an important point: parents reported that they enjoyed being able to
exchange ideas with other parents, which breaks the feeling of isolation that they may have in a minority
setting. Parents also said that they were better informed about the resources in French available in their
communities and that they had expanded their Francophone network.
These results are supported by those of several studies of other models, be it the Kenan model or the
MFLP,which are both described in chapter 5.
In a report on the impact of family literacy programs, Elfert (2007),coordinator of the UNESCO project
QualiFLY (Quality in Family Literacy), documents some of the immediate and more general benefits of the
programs, in particular an improvement in children's literacy skills and increased ability on the part of
parents to help their children learn. He also emphasizes an increase in self-confidence and motivation to
learn among the adults.
In the United States, Padak and Rasinski (2000)produced a list of the benefits, observed and supported by
research, of family literacy for children, parents and society. These benefits are listed below.
14 Eligible parents in the context of French Ontario are those who are eligible to send their children to French-language schools.