9. Recommendations


9.1 Members of the Réseau d'experts en alphabétisation familiale

9.2 Researchers

9.3 Program directors

9.4 Practitioners

The following recommendations are derived from our analysis of the various research studies cited. They
are addressed to the members of the Reseau d'experts en alphabetisation familiale and to researchers,
program directors and practitioners.

9.1 Members of the Réseau d'experts en alphabétisation familiale

  1. Ensure consistency between the concepts of family literacy and multiple literacies.
  2. Develop a five-year strategic plan to allow for a tactical development of family literacy in
    Canada and to ensure its sustainability.
  3. Develop a common framework based on multiple literacies: specify the goals, determine the
    learning outcomes, propose a curriculum and suggest partnerships.
  4. Investigate, with Francophone community colleges, the possibility of developing a diploma
    course to provide training in familyliteracy.

9.2 Researchers

  1. Carry out research designed to improve the choice of programs and the offering of family
    literacy services.
  2. Evaluate approaches and practices considered exemplary.
  3. Study the effectiveness of approaches to the development of education and training.
  4. Study the long-term development of the field of family literacy.
  5. Evaluate the benefits that can be derived from partnerships that aim for complementarity
    between literacy centres, daycare centres and schools.
  6. Evaluate family literacy programs using qualitative and quantitative methods (Le., going
    beyond the framework of a questionnaire or survey).
  7. Study the determining factors for fathers' participation in family literacy programs.
  8. Study the determining factors for the recruitment and the participation of parents with low
    literacy skills in family literacy programs.
  9. Study the impact of programs with a "child" component to the impact of those without one.
  10. Study the effectiveness of family literacy programs on the integration of immigrants.