9.3 Program directors
- Determine hiring criteria for practitioners (i.e., competencies, qualities, experience).
- Ensure that before delivering the program, all practitioners receive the training Fondements de
l'alphabétisation familiale dans un contexte minoritaire francophone, as well as training in the
selected program.
- Reflect on the values associated with multiple literacies to see how to they can be integrated
into the program models.
- Use effective programs and methods to answer the needs of fathers, ethnic groups and
individuals with low literacy skills.
- Establish solid partnerships with schools, child care centres and other community
- Seek out new methods of recruiting families, young parents, individuals with low literacy skills,
fathers, recent immigrants and grandparents.
- Make sure to use a space that is accessible and appropriate for adults and children.
- Include an evaluation strategy.
9.4 Practioners
When practitioners make participants' learning meaningful and useful, the parents are motivated to
become more deeply involved in the program, particularly if they see that it can help them in their role as a
parent. The learning goes beyond the academic framework; it provides ways to read, to read oneself and to
read the world.
- Create the proper conditions so that everyone who participates in a family literacy program
becomes a life-long learner.
- Adapt the content to different groups, including fathers and immigrants.
- Encourage all of the participants to share their experiences with others.
- Adopt and maintain a positive perspective; build on the parents' backgrounds and provide
resources so that they can be confident in their ability to fulfill their role of primary educators of
their child.