Policies on Board Structure and Mandate
Board Member Job Description
1. Function of the Board of Directors
- It is the Board that is ultimately responsible for making sure that Community Literacy of Ontario fulfils its mission.
Responsibilities of Board members:
- To understand CLO’s mission and mandate
- To set policy for CLO
- To make sure that effective organizational planning takes place
- To make sure that funds are properly managed
- To know the Board’s legal obligations and make sure they are followed
- To approve the hiring and releasing of staff, based on the recommendation of the
Personnel Committee
- To represent community-based literacy programs in their region
What is expected of Board members?
- To be familiar with CLO’s by-laws, policies, and business plan
- To be able to attend a minimum of two face-to-face board meetings each year
(usually held in Toronto)
- To be able to participate in four board meetings held by conference call.
- To access AlphaPlus and e-mail if possible: CLO does some of its work online
- To participate in one or more committees/reference groups and possibly chair one
- To prepare for meetings by reading background material
2. CLO Officers
CLO officers have a one-year term. They may only serve two years in any one position. Officers
are elected or appointed from among directors at the first meeting of the Board following the
Annual General Meeting. Officers are:
- Co-chairs or Chair and Vice-Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
3. Role And Responsibilities Of The Co-Chairs or Chair
CLO’s Co-Chairs or Chair will:
- Provide leadership to the Board and Executive Director of CLO
- Make sure that CLO’s mission statement and b-laws are followed
- Keep the Board focused on CLO’s mandate
- Speak on behalf of, or appoint someone to speak on behalf of, Community Literacy of
- Make sure that all resolutions of the Board of Directors are accomplished
- Prepare and present a report on CLO’s activities at the AGM
- Develop, with input from the Executive Director and board members, the agenda for
each Board and Executive Committee meeting
- Chair, on an alternating basis, all meetings of CLO and the Board of Directors.
- Give guidance and support to the Executive Director between board meetings
- Provide training for the new Co-Chairs or Chair
- Serve on CLO’s Executive Committee
- Serve as an Ex-Officio member of any appropriate CLO committee