1. What about using the Internet to find health information?

    • What kind of information did you look for?
    • Where did you search for this information? Using what websites?
    • Did you find the information you were looking for? Where did you find it?

  2. What about major health issues? Can anybody think of a major health issue that has been in the news? [PROMT IF NECESSARY: SARS, West Nile, Walkerton, flu epidemic, the Norwalk virus]. Did anybody search information concerning these issues?

  3. Now, what about the recent issues surrounding SARS? (Does everybody remember the SARS outbreak in Toronto last spring)? At the time, were you interested in finding information on SARS?

    • How did you find information on SARS? From what sources?
    • Do you feel you had enough information?
    • Did you find that the information you were accessing was current enough?
    • Do you know anybody that used the Internet to find information on SARS?

  4. Like with any major health issue in Canada, such as West Nile virus, Mad Cow disease Walkerton and safe drinking water and Norwalk for example, Health Canada was involved in providing information to Canadians about SARS.

    • How do you think that Health Canada was providing information to Canadians about SARS? Through TV? Newspapers? the Internet?
    • What do you think is the best way for Health Canada to provide information about SARS to Canadians?