- What kinds of things have you used the Internet for so far?
- Searching for information? [Email? Gaming? Banking? Buying things?
Interacting with governments?]
- Did you start doing these things the first times you went online,
or did it take a while before you were comfortable doing things
- What kinds of things do you expect to be doing on the Internet in
the coming year?
- Searching for information? Email? Gaming? Banking? Buying things?
Interacting with governments?
- Why/Why not?
- Do you have any concerns regarding these activities that are
preventing you from doing them?
D. Health [25 minutes]
Now that we have an idea about using and accessing the Internet, we
are going to talk about using the Internet when it comes to health issues.
- Has anybody here ever searched for health information, for example,
information on an illness, a condition or how to make healthy choices
in diet and lifestyle?
- What kind of information did you look for?
- Where did you search for this information?
- Did you find the information you were looking for? Where did
you find it?