Drawing from the data there are both positive and negative influences of power as partnerships among the stakeholders developed. During the foundation building and development and demonstration years, power was used as a positive influence in shaping the felt needs of the partner organizations. Attention was given to ensure that all voices that needed to be heard were included in the initial formation of the partnership. Related to this was the importance of bringing alternative and divergent opinions to the planning table and having equal input into setting the agendas. Power was used as a positive influence in determining which local needs and which local populations were going to be served through the workplace project. Another example of positive influence was the manner in which partners set the norms for decisions that ensured a democratic process.

The period of program change saw a number of instances where the use of power had a negative influence on partnership development. For example, differences of opinion between the partners and the funder around project directions were suppressed or not heard. A political agenda which was at odds with stakeholder interests and a government ethos of accountability were also seen as negative influences of power on the development and sustainability of partnerships. Pressure was also felt by partner organizations to accept a new way of accessing NLS Business and Labour Partnership Program funds. These were often viewed as out of step with the needs of the partners.

On another dimension, individual member negotiation skills were evident in most of the partnerships that were developed. On a metanegotiation level, considerable time was spent by all partners creating a planning committee to represent various stakeholder interests. Coupled with this was the negotiation that took place to develop an overall purpose and goals statement or mission for the joint project which reflected each partner organization. At the substantive negotiation level, partners negotiated around project action plans, budgets, and promotional strategies for the final deliverables.