Family History

45. Has anyone in your family (children, parents, siblings, etc.) had problems with learning?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________


46. What was the highest grade achieved by your parents?   Father:________   Mother:________

47. Does anyone in your family have difficulties with an attention-deficit disorder, substance abuse, and/or mental health problem?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________________

Health And Medical History

48. Do you have any recurrent or chronic health problems or conditions?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox
If yes, please specify: ____________________________________________________________

49. Have you ever had a serious accident or illness?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

If yes, please specify: ____________________________________________________________

50. Have you ever been unconscious?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

If yes, provide details: ____________________________________________________________


51. Do you take any medications on a regular basis?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

If yes, please list type of medication and purpose _______________________________________


graphic of shortcut arrow Appendix B Table of Content