52. Do you have, or have you had in the past, problems with any of the following?

Head Injury
Emotional Trauma
graphic of checkbox  graphic of checkbox
graphic of checkbox  graphic of checkbox
graphic of checkbox  graphic of checkbox
graphic of checkbox  graphic of checkbox
graphic of checkbox  graphic of checkbox

Drug Abuse
Alcohol Abuse
Ear Infections
graphic of checkbox  graphic of checkbox
graphic of checkbox  graphic of checkbox
graphic of checkbox  graphic of checkbox
graphic of checkbox  graphic of checkbox
graphic of checkbox  graphic of checkbox

If yes, please describe ____________________________________________________________


53. Have you had a history of depression, anxiety or other emotional or psychological difficulties (for example: OCD, school phobia, suicide attempts?)
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

Have you ever taken medication for this condition?
Yes graphic of checkbox No graphic of checkbox

If yes, please give details: _________________________________________________________




54. Of all the jobs (both paid and unpaid) you have worked at, what type of work did you enjoy the most?



55. Explain any problems that you have that affect the type of jobs that you get, or that keep you from getting jobs that you would like to have.



56. If you are currently working, how many hours are you working per week? _____________

graphic of shortcut arrow Appendix B Table of Content