Commercial Screening/Assessment Tools (only tools that are geared to adults have been included)

Please note that attempts have been made to provide comments on evidence for each criterion, however some areas may have minimal or no information due to limited access to technical and/or administrative manuals.

Description: Before teaching reading skills, instructors can discover how each student learns, or fails to learn, by using 11 screening tests that identify specific reasons why individuals struggle with reading skills. With this information, both students and instructors understand why previous encounters with literacy skills were ineffective. Understanding why learning has been difficult replaces old dread and fear of learning with hope. Knowing how to learn to read makes it possible to approach reading safely without fear of failure... PRO-ED online Store US based or MD Angus & Associates Limited Canadian based

Name of tool

Criteria Evidence Limited evidence
Jordan Dyslexia Assessment/Reading Program Yields reliable information: the screening material reliably measures indicators of potential learning disabilities and yields consistent results (if the screening tool was given to the same person again, similar indicators of potential learning disabilities would be evident). A low standard of error should be evident.   No mention of reliability.
  Is valid: The screening material adequately represents the full range of characteristics associated with learning disabilities. The screening material is consistent with what is currently known about learning disabilities. It covers a scope sufficient to provide an initial assessment in several areas such as language, motor, organization and social skills (look for a description of which learning disability indicators may be assessed with the instrument). "In the instructors manual (pp.11 - 48) it does include research regarding dyslexia and examples of each severity level"8 Screens only those with dyslexia. No mention of percentages or validity.
  The tool is cost-effective including initial purchase and ongoing purchases of related materials such as question booklets, score sheets etc. Complete Kit = $132.00
Instructor's manual $110.00 and student workbook $25.00
  The time required to conduct the screening procedures is reasonable: it is quick to administer, score, and interpret.   "There is no indication of how long the tests take to administer and no indication of time required to score the results." 9There are many tests so one can assume it would take some time.
  The requirements for learning to use the screening tool are reasonable. Requirements may range from reviewing the instructions and user manual to participating in a training session. "p.3 of the instructors manual states that persons administering the test need not be highly trained specialists." 10  
  Minimize bias: The screening material accurately highlights potential indicators of learning disabilities regardless of a person's age, gender, race, ethnicity, or primary language. Case studies are included which involved students of all ages and gender but no mention of race, ethnicity or primary language.  
  Instructions are provided on how to interpret the screening tool results/findings.    
  The tool is compatible with the goals of the organization. For example, if you serve only adults, was the test developed for adults only or if you serve a number of ESL learners, was this the intended audience for the screening tool? Designed for students of any age who show signs of dyslexia.  
  The format and written text follows clear language guidelines.   No material to review.
  The tool includes information to help select possible learning materials and/or instructional practices. Each of the 75 lessons includes structured review of previous skills, introduction of a new literacy skill and follow up practice to build permanent memory of that skill. The reading program guides students step by step through structured lessons that integrate four learning modalities: sight, speech, hearing and touch.  

8 National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities (1999). Bridges to Practice Guidebook 2: Screening Tools Report Card.
9 NALLD (1999).
10 NALLD (1999).