Description: The Diagnostic Assessments of Reading with Trial Teaching Strategies (DARTTS) program is comprised of individually administered tests and related diagnostic lessons. The testing component of the program is the Diagnostic Assessments of Reading; the teaching component is designed to be used in conjunction with the testing component to discover the teaching methods and instructional materials that will be most effective with individual students. Riverside Publishing Company (p) 800-323-9540

Name of tool

Criteria Evidence Limited evidence
Diagnostic Assessment of Reading with Trail Strategies (DARTTS) Yields reliable information: the screening material reliably measures indicators of potential learning disabilities and yields consistent results (if the screening tool was given to the same person again, similar indicators of potential learning disabilities would be evident). A low standard of error should be evident.   No reliability measures included11
  Is valid: The screening material adequately represents the full range of characteristics associated with learning disabilities. The screening material is consistent with what is currently known about learning disabilities. It covers a scope sufficient to provide an initial assessment in several areas such as language, motor, organization and social skills (look for a description of which learning disability indicators may be assessed with the instrument). The diagnostic assessment includes Six Tests of Reading and Language:
  • Word Recognition
  • Word Analysis
  • Oral Reading
  • Silent Reading Comprehension
  • Spelling
  • Word Meaning
Reveals strengths and weaknesses.
No research provided on which learning disabilities characteristics may be assessed with the instrument. However, research included item tryouts with 1664 students and norm-referenced after.12
  The tool is cost-effective including initial purchase and ongoing purchases of related materials such as question booklets, score sheets etc.

The complete kit = $232.00 US which includes (15) student booklets.

To purchase 15 additional booklets = $23.00 US
  The time required to conduct the screening procedures is reasonable: it is quick to administer, score, and interpret.    
  The requirements for learning to use the screening tool are reasonable. Requirements may range from reviewing the instructions and user manual to participating in a training session. No special training is required except the review of the manual. The testing component is administered and scored simultaneously and takes 20-30 minutes.
The trial teaching strategies are brief lessons tailored to stages of reading development. They take approximately 30 minutes.
  Minimize bias: The screening material accurately highlights potential indicators of learning disabilities regardless of a person's age, gender, race, ethnicity, or primary language.    
  Instructions are provided on how to interpret the screening tool results/findings.    
  The tool is compatible with the goals of the organization. For example, if you serve only adults, was the test developed for adults only or if you serve a number of ESL learners, was this the intended audience for the screening tool? Individualized approach to reading instruction. Special materials are provided geared to adult needs and interests. The teaching strategies reinforce positive student attitudes and can be used with individuals or groups.  
  The format and written text follow clear language guidelines.    
  The tool includes information to help select possible learning materials and/or instructional practices.   Although teaching strategies are included there is no research to support the link between the assessment and the teaching strategies13

11 NALLD (1999).
12 NALLD (1999).
13 NALLD (1999).