Overview of Curriculum Structure

Our unique curriculum has three essential classes that provide a foundation for learning: Health, Loves Herself Regardless, and Learning Strategies (See Appendix II). They are our “core curriculum.” The principles of these classes overlap. In accordance with our wholistic approach to adult basic education, we continuously seek ways to include the “whole person” into learning. These classes concentrate on “inner work:” introspection, reflection, and contemplation about sense of place and sense of belonging. In examining the inner self, the women are able to understand, accept, and love themselves. This is the beginning of transformation because they can acknowledge their strengths and recognize those areas that need work. Transformation of the self is sustained by increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. In building this “sense of self,” women are also better able to understand, accept, and love others. Once they begin to do this, they build connections and support networks with each other. The curricula of these classes establish an atmosphere that is supportive and safe for women. As a result, they will feel more able to grasp the concepts of reading, writing, or math.


The health class concentrates on building healthy attitudes, not just concerning the body, but the whole self. One of the objectives of this class is to raise consciousness about the “whole person”: mind, body, spirit, and emotions. We wish to encourage women to investigate new perceptions and attitudes that reflect a wholistic model of the self (See Appendix III). In a group setting, they learn about healthy attitudes regarding the whole person. To remind them to be healthy in mind, body, spirit, and emotions, the women wear a red ribbon each Wednesday for the health class. Some women choose to wear their ribbons every day.