APPENDIX III: Sample Lesson Plans
Health Unit 1, Lesson 1:
Bringing the Whole Person to Learning
Written by: Anna Yangco and Char Caver
Rationale for this unit:
- We believe that self-esteem is the foundation for lifelong learning and transformation. Our working definition of self-esteem is the amount of pride we have in ourselves. It has been our experience that without unconditional positive self-regard and understanding of the value of the “whole person,” the learner is less likely to persist with their educational endeavors.
- Raise consciousness about the “whole person”: mind, body, spirit, and emotions.
- To encourage women to investigate new perceptions and attitudes that reflects a wholistic model of the self.
- Journals for freewriting
- Writing prompt cards (body, mind, spirit, and emotions)
- Music (relaxing CDs for freewriting)
- Large circle divided into four equal quadrants
- First Nations medicine wheel
- Self-care bags or candles
I. Warm-up: Freewriting
- To calm them down so they can free their minds to learn.
- To focus the students on the topic.
- Provide learners with writing prompt cards:
- Body
- Mind
- Spirit
- Emotions
- Each woman will pick a card and write for five minute on the aspect of the person they chose.