II. Group Activity: Element Groups
- To encourage movement.
- To allow for group work.
- To practice oral communication.
- To use group decision-making.
- Women will get in groups according to the part of the person they wrote about. Each group will:
- Share freewriting with each other.
- Collectively define that part of the whole person.
- Based on their definition, select an object from the object table that symbolizes that element of the whole person.
- Write team definition on a quadrant of the whole person (medicine wheel).
- Teams will present their element to the entire class:
- Post definition on quadrant on the board. Teams will “build” the whole person.
- To help visual and bodily kinesthetic learners understand that element of the whole person, the group will also present the object they chose to represent their element.
III. Follow-up: Building upon students’ knowledge
- We will provide the students with “working definitions” of body, mind, spirit, and emotions.
- We will also give the students the First Nation’s Medicine Wheel.
IV. Checking Understanding/Assessment
- To revisit objectives and make sure we have met them.
- To make sure women understand concepts before moving to the next lesson.
- On a blank medicine wheel, women will write down one “new learning” that they have gained about each of the following: mind, body, spirit, and emotions.
- We will collect these medicine wheels and return and revisit in lesson 2.
V. Closing Activity
- To bring closure to the day.
- To prepare for homework assignment.
- We will give each woman a candle or self-care bag (with soap, lotion, shampoo, etc.) to take home.
- On a card, each woman will write one way she will use this “gift” to take care of her body, mind, spirit, and emotions.
- Each woman will share this with the class.