I would like to dedicate this synthesis project to all of the women I have taught at the Adult Learner Program. I especially offer tribute to Mary C. who truly believed in herself and recognized the value of lifelong learning. Everyday I am inspired to further analyze what promotes transformation of each learner, including myself.

I also present this synthesis in honor of Elizabeth Morrish, coordinator of the Women, Violence, and Adult Education project. Despite her untimely death, I still felt the presence of her spirit that carried me through this sometimes-challenging work. She inspired me to have confidence in my own sense of self and place. I know her spirit will continue to encourage my development of methods that foster transformation in both inner and outer sacred space.


 Emerging from the chrysalis
  Explore this bright new world.
   Free to fly
    Each moment of now
     An instant of choice
      Easily accepted.
       Destination assured.

- Brenda Cornish