The support of family and friends throughout my educational journey in the Critical and Creative Thinking program has undoubtedly made this synthesis project come together. My synthesis advisor, Peter Taylor, guided me through this project and asked many essential questions that led to further analysis and clarity in my thinking. Lorna Rivera, my synthesis reader, inspired a deeper level of thinking and frequently told me, “You can do it!”
Since 1999, Char Caver, my colleague/friend and I collaborated many days and nights to expand our understanding of the transformation process of the inner and outer sacred space. Her profound insight and love for this topic has stirred and enhanced my own ideas. Elizabeth Morrish, Jenny Horsman, and the other women from the Women, Violence, and Adult Education project facilitated my movement towards an understanding of violence and its impact on women’s learning. I thank them for “taking on the challenge” with me. Donna Bivens and Sr. Noel Doyle improved my understanding of the foundations of the Loves Herself Regardless class. Mary Frangie, my synthesis “buddy,” provided encouragement during those moments of “low productivity.” She consistently asked questions and urged me to “get to the point.” Rebecca Freed, my editor and friend, was not only my emotional support, but also my “extra set of eyes.” I thank Elisabeth Anderson, who listened to and challenged my ideas in this paper. I am also grateful for her help with the frustrating process of formatting. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the women of the Adult Learner Program who have “loved themselves” enough to return to school. You have inspired me in my own journey of lifelong learning.
To all my family and friends: Your time, effort, kindness (especially those who cooked for me), unconditional love, encouragement, and affirmation were the motivation I needed to propel me through this project. Thank you very much. Maraming salamat po.