Table 10. Summary of Resources Needed, Levels of Complexity, Evidence and Recommendations for NILA relating to Aboriginal Job Seekers (AJS)
AJS Personal Resources Needed Spiral Level Research Evidence NILA Recommendations
Shelter, food and healthcare Beige:
safety and basic needs
1. Many do not have their basic needs met. 1. Hurry to instil hope and offer support.
Family and Community support Purple:
group belonging
2. Multiple barriers prohibit success. 2. Bring together the right people to problem solve.
Self-esteem, social acceptance, healing Red:
respect and self-awareness
3. Many need healing and counselling. 3. Expand intake process to include holistic assessments.
Education, maturity, taking your place Blue:
authority and order
4. Massive need for literacy classes, upgrading, life skills. 4. Ensure that literacy and life skills are integrated into all programming
Earn a living, career planning Orange:
money andstrategy
5. There is insufficient job prep programs, career planning. 5. Governments need to partner, share and maximize resources.
Care of the earth
Reduce, reuse, recycle, replace
environment awareness
6. No findings.
(a future role?)
6. Will this next generation follow environmental awareness practices?
Helping to heal others
Donations, participation, volunteer activities
self and system integration
7. No findings.
(a future role?)
7. How can the new leaders be identified?