AJS Personal Resources Needed | Spiral Level | Research Evidence | NILA Recommendations |
Shelter, food and healthcare | Beige: safety and basic needs |
1. Many do not have their basic needs met. | 1. Hurry to instil hope and offer support. |
Family and Community support | Purple: group belonging |
2. Multiple barriers prohibit success. | 2. Bring together the right people to problem solve. |
Self-esteem, social acceptance, healing | Red: respect and self-awareness |
3. Many need healing and counselling. | 3. Expand intake process to include holistic assessments. |
Education, maturity, taking your place | Blue: authority and order |
4. Massive need for literacy classes, upgrading, life skills. | 4. Ensure that literacy and life skills are integrated into all programming |
Earn a living, career planning | Orange: money andstrategy |
5. There is insufficient job prep programs, career planning. | 5. Governments need to partner, share and maximize resources. |
Care of the earth Reduce, reuse, recycle, replace |
Green: environment awareness |
6. No findings. (a future role?) |
6. Will this next generation follow environmental awareness practices? |
Helping to heal others Donations, participation, volunteer activities |
Yellow: self and system integration |
7. No findings. (a future role?) |
7. How can the new leaders be identified? |