Research Study Results

Six participants provided data for the research findings through contribution in one-onone interviews and two concurrent focus groups. All participants were employment support providers in northern and rural Manitoba with many years experience; however, three of them worked for the provincial government, and three of them worked for First Nation bands. These six were charged with discovering insights into the research question, “How can Employment Counsellors in rural and northern regions best be supported to enhance their effectiveness in helping clients with multiple barriers achieve job success?” The findings reported here are based on information collected and collated throughout the research process.

To comply with the ethical principles guiding this research (RRU, 2004; Tri-Council, 1998), participants were provided with an alpha descriptor to ensure participant confidentiality; these are A, B, C, D, E, and F. The findings of this project are presented framed in the same fashion as the four areas discussed in chapter two. The research findings relate to: (a) the EC’s workplace, (b) rural and northern Manitoba communities, (c) Aboriginal job seekers, and (d) the systems that constitute the employment finding process. The data proved to be rich with descriptions of the difficulties these ECs face in their everyday jobs and many suggestions toward improvements. The findings are followed by the subsequent conclusions and recommendations.