Research Findings

Employment Counsellors’ Workplace Findings

Participants’ workplaces were examined as part of the research project. This area of findings was critical to answering the research question, as the day-to-day workplace can make a huge impact on the ability of the EC to be effective. Many suggestions on ways the ECs need support at work were culled from this area of findings. Chapter two produced a comparison of integral workplace system conditions (see Table 1) that helped to frame the literature review on how well employers and organizations are supporting their employees. At the end of this chapter, a modified workplace conditions chart (see Table 4) also provides a framework to illustrate the findings of the research. It is important to note that provincial government employees, while they had more job support structures and human resources services available, had less flexibility and autonomy than their counterparts working on reserves. The provincial employees by and large came from organizational surroundings that are clear, structured, and scrutinized.

Research findings are presented in the same order as the spiral levels described in Table 1 and begin at a very basic level of workplace needs. The research indicated that all participants felt their workplaces were unhealthy in one way or another. From the participant wish list compiled throughout the research process, the second most frequent wish was for a healthy workplace, following more money for programs as the number one wish.

Occupational Health and Safety

Clear job information and clarity of work expectations was lacking for ECs in the more rural locations. As identified by participants, there was not a consistent job description for ECs who work on reserves. The provincial ECs, while there was structure to their job systems, the management of the systems and job expectations were not applied consistently. Participant E indicated, “I have never been given a job description.” Participant B explained that despite clear job definition, “If you have compassion you have to take on the work … where does it stop … everyone goes on stress leave.” There are other experiences however, Participant D stated, “We do have our challenges.… I think we work together very well.… We have the Northern Development Strategy team.”