imagePresident's Message

It is one year since the first issue of our quarterly, WOMEN'S EDUCATION DES FEMMES took to the mail ways. Thanks to the hard work, imagination and commitment of our Coordinator and a crew of volunteers WEDF has served to keep our membership informed provincially and nationally, about developments and concerns related to women's education. Along with our SKILLS BANK, WEDF helps us share information and skills as well as promote continuing growth of our networks across geographic distances.

Just as our regional networks have developed, so have our national links with other women's organizations. More and more women's organizations are getting together to share concerns and ask each other for support. As a result, the 'National Women's Organization Networking System, is growing stronger and louder. The issues are becoming more encompassing and inter-connected while the resources: human and financial, are stretched to the limit. Women's organizations are uniting to take joint action!

As noted in the last issue, shoe string budgets are not enough! And we have said so, with some results. It is now possible for non-profit organizations to apply for up to $50, 000 to develop proposals to access the Skills Growth Fund for training programs, to meet the specific needs of women. This was announced by the previous Canada Employment Minister, Lloyd Axworthy on June 27, 1983, as part of the special measures under the National Training Act to train, hire and promote women for the jobs of the future.

On this same date, CCLOW along with representatives of four other national women's organizations, met with ministers Judy Erola and Serge joyal to under funding of the Women's Program of Secretary of state, what we want is $1 for every Canadian female of $l2.3 million for organizational and project funding. $3.2 million is not enough! Mr. Joyal found our proposal reasonable and was very supportive. Discussions are currently under way with Cabinet Ministers who sit on the Social Development Committee of Cabinet, to seek their approval of our proposal, as a demonstration of the government's commitment to improving the status of women.



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