Le colloque organisé par le CCPEF le 18 juin 1983 à 'université de Toronto, sur le thème LES INCIDENCES DE LA LOI NATIONALE SUR LA FORMATION, s 'est soldé par la formulation de plusieurs recommandations, qui ont été communiquées au ministre de l'Emploi et de l' Immigration, M. Lloyd Axworthy.

La requête fondamentale concerne le financement des programmes d'études pour les femmes. Lors du colloque, Marnie Clarke, nouvelle directrice générale des programmes d'Action positive et des Groupes spéciaux à Emploi et Immigration Canada, a déclaré qu 'il était essentiel de continuer à faire pression auprès du gouvernement, et d'insister tant sur l'aspect qualitatif que quantitatif des programmes pour les femmes.

Affirmative action and improved accesses for part-time education are among several major recommendations made to the Minister of Employment and Immigration, following a Colloquium on the Impact of the National Training Program on Women, sponsored by CCLOW in Toronto, June 18.


by Lisa Avedon

The colloquium was structured so that those attending could receive input from both a women's panel and Canada Employment and Immigration Commission (CEIC) representatives before going on to strategy sessions.

The morning panel presented the "Needs and Barriers" facing women who need training. Panelists were Lenore Rogers, past president of CCLOW, Joan Brown Hicks, former Nova Scotia CCLOW director, Pat Marshall of Ontario Status of Women Committee and Naldi Nomez of the Cross-cultural Communication Centre.

CEIC was represented by Marnie Clarke, Director General of Special Groups and Affirmative Action, and Grant Botham, Director General of Labour Market Adjustment and Development. Ms. Clarke emphasized the need for women's groups to maintain pressure on the government regarding affirmative action and other key issues, in order for more progress to be made.

Mr.Botham explained that the National Training Act (NTA) was based on two labour market factors: the need for economic recovery which emphasizes productivity along with re-education for employment; and expanding requirements for higher skill occupations. The initial impetus for this focus were the CEIC Task Force on Labour Market Development (Dodge report) and he Parliamentary Task Force on Employment Opportunities for the 1980's (Allmand Report)


Mr. Botham outlined some of the Commissions priorities for the 1983 fiscal year, which are of particular importance to women:

  • 20% of skill courses in which women have been under represented are reserved for women
  • each region is to provide non-traditional training courses for women
  • the Skills Growth Fund will be used to increase the availability of training for women
  • computer literacy will be provided in occupational orientation programs

The percentage of reserved spaces was subsequently raised to 30% OEIC counsellors will receive training in the counselling of women for employment.

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