A Survivor's Fairy Tale

by Kate Daleney Earthdancer

The following story is a fairy tale that I wrote for my "inner children" to honour their incredible wisdom and their incredible pain. I became acquainted with my wounded and wise inner children as I began delving into the horror of my childhood. They came to me frightened, angry, distrustful and hating me, and slowly we have developed a bond of love and support. They now know me as their fiercely courageous and loving mother and champion.

The father strove to control Kate. He sought to own her. He hit Kate. He yelled at her. He touched her and he hurt her.

This story is their story (and mine, as “we” are one). They love it.

The Story of Kate

In the beginning of time, a spark flew from the life that is our Goddess. This spark was beautiful and strong, loving and graceful. Her energy was the same as the energy of our Goddess. She loved the Goddess. The Goddess was and is her mother.

This spark of life set out on a journey to learn.

In her search for knowledge, she came to earth many times. She grew in wisdom and poise, beauty and love. She loved and was loved. Her radiance became as bright as a star. She was filled with the energy, beauty and strength of the Goddess. Everyone who came in to contact with her remembered her and was touched by her grace.

In 1951 she came to Earth again. She was given the name Kate.

Her beauty, peace and energy, strength and fire radiated from the infant and child Kate. It brightened her parents. They feared her. Not because of her, but because of them. They had no room or tolerance for energy and fire and radiance.

The home she lived in was filled with darkness. It pressed on her and threatened to suffocate her--even as an infant she felt it. She loved her mother very much, but her mother was small and weak and frightened. Her father was large, angry and violent. His rank odour, his vile muttering filled the home with fear. Kate sensed the bleakness and as an infant (and child) considered 'leaving' (more than once). It seemed an enormous obstacle for a small child to face. But she chose to stay. She was very, very brave.

Kate grew into a toddler and young child, and began to assert herself. She was wise and full of energy, and she wanted to learn all about world around her. She wanted to know everything. Her father hated it. Her mother feared it. The father strove to control her in other ways. He sought to own her. He hit Kate. He yelled at her. He called her stupid and bad. He hated her energy and he wanted to own her energy.

Le conte de fées d'une survivante

par Kate Delaney Earthdancer

J'ai écrit un conte de fées à l'intention de mes "enfants intérieurs" pour rendre hommage à leur incroyable sagesse et souffrance. J'ai fait connaissance avec ces enfants lorsque j'ai fouillé dans mon horrible enfance. La cruauté dont j'ai fait l'objet me fait terriblement mal, et je me suis divisée en plusieurs parties pour rester entière. Je suis en somme plusieurs enfants, qui chacun s'occupait d'un aspect différent de ma personne.

Le conte de fées relate les expériences d'une étincelle de vie qui s'échappa de la Déesse et s'installa sur Terre sous le nom de Kate. Chez Kate, régnait la haine et le mal. Dans son enfance, son père lui avait fait des atrocités, l'avait violente et violée. Sa mère l'avait abandonnée. Seules sa sagesse innée et son intelligence lui permirent de rester en vie. Elle protégea l'étincelle de vie qui était son être propre, soit la partie qui se rappelait et connaissait la Déesse, sa mère. J'adore Kate, l'enfant. Elle a survécu à l'enter sur Terre. Remercions la Déesse en son nom.

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