Scholarship Notecards -“Bridges to Learning”

graphic: checkbox Yes, I would like to support a learner with his/her goals.
Please send me: ___ packages (6 cards per pack) @ $10 each (or 2 for $15)
graphic: checkbox I have enclosed a cheque for $__________

Name: _______________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________

Postal Code: _________________________________________________

Cards will be mailed out mid May!

I want to support literacy in Kelowna!

graphic: checkbox Please find enclosed my membership fee of $15.00
graphic: checkbox Please find enclosed my donation of:
       graphic: checkbox $25.00
       graphic: checkbox $50.00
       graphic: checkbox other

(Please make cheques payable to Project Literacy Kelowna Society)
205-591 Bernard Ave., Kelowna, BC V1Y 6N9

Name: _______________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________

Postal Code: _________________________________________________

Telephone Number: ____________________________________________

Your contribution will provide books and training
materials for our learners and tutors.

Thank you for your support! We will send you
a tax deductible receipt and a year’s subscription to our newsletter.