I. Warm-up: Creative activity for review
- This is one way to review and assess the understanding of the “whole person” concept.
- To use creative means to demonstrate understanding (for bodily/kinesthetic and visual learners)
- Class will review compiled list of “new learnings” from lesson 1 as a prompt for creative activity.
- With clay or drawing paper and markers, women will create an image or symbol of their understanding of the mind, body, spirit, or emotions.
- Women will share their representations with the whole group.
II. Individual Activity: Lifestyle Balance Self-Assessment
- To engage in a reflection on “practices that contribute to or detract from a state of well-being.”
- Each woman will complete a “Lifestyle Assessment.”
- Each learner will take each factor of the self-assessment and examine how to balance the mind, body, spirit, and emotions in that area. For each check mark (shows where there is imbalance in that area) the women have to determine where that factor might fit on the “whole person” model.
III. Follow-up Group Activity: Building upon students’ knowledge
- To create connections among the group.
- To encourage group work.
- Each learner will share with small group where she put each factor on the “whole person” model.
V. Checking Understanding/Assessment & Closing Activity
- To bring closure to the day.
- To prepare for homework assignment.
- Take five minutes to freewrite and reflect on the whole person model. How has your thinking changed?
- Then the women will share or talk about what they wrote.