Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Making a living: supporting the cause
3. The success of plain-language
4. Is there a problem referring to the "plain-language movement"?
5. Rebutting the misconceptions
red dash image 5.1 A Canadian financial services organization
red dash image 5.2 The international accountancy firm KPMG
red dash image 5.3 Law firms lead with plain language
red dash image 5.4 Plain-language wins the debate and kicks on in law firms and in legislation
red dash image 5.5 Some plain-language developments around the world
red dash image 5.6 What next for plain language?
6. Establishing some threshold realities
red dash image 6.1 Beyond mere word substitution
red dash image 6.2 Plain-language improves accuracy, certainty, and precision
red dash image 6.3 Improving the substance of non-legal documents
7. If plain language is "beyond a movement", what it it?
red dash image 7.1 The burden
red dash image 7.2 The opportunities and promise
8. A possible new position for plain language
red dash image 8.1 Voice
red dash image 8.2 Brand
red dash image 8.3 Voice of the brand
red dash image 8.4 The importance of the voice of the brand: to business and in government
9. Delivering plain language: structure and responsibilities
red dash image 9.1 Someone to take responsibility for how the audience receives the message
red dash image 9.2 Structuring an organisation to show the importance of communication
10. Conclusion

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